Types of clutches

Types of Clutches

Before starting to study about different types of clutch, we must know about the meaning of clutch. Clutch is defined as the device which is used in automobiles to transmit power from one rotating shaft to another shaft. In cars it transmits power from the flywheel connected to the engine shaft to the clutch shaft, and from clutch shaft it is transmitted to the rear wheels through gear shaft, propeller shaft and differential.

Mainly clutches are divided into 2 parts:

  1. Friction clutches and
  2. Fluid flywheel

Friction clutches:

These clutches works on the principle of friction exist in between two rotating shaft when they come in contact with each other.

Fluid flywheel:

Fluid flywheel clutches works on transfer of energy from one rotor to the other by means of some fluid.

Types of friction clutches:

  1. Cone clutch
  2. Single plate clutch
  3. Multi-plate cutch
  4. Semi-centrifugal clutch
  5. Centrifugal clutch


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